Preguntas de entrevista para Account Manager en Seoul, Corea del Sur

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Preguntas de entrevista para el cargo de Account Manager compartidas por los candidatos

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Dell Technologies
Se le preguntó a Account Manager…25 de mayo de 2013

Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer ?

26 respuestas

It is actually a nice question . Hunters are "designed" to stay focused for a long time on a single task and to do it well ,gatherers are capable of multitasking but they don't go deep into their tasks . So i guess the answer depends on the job description Menos

Neither, I'm the chief

I am a gatherer when my counterpart is a hunter, I am a hunter when my counterpart is a gatherer. Balance. Menos

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EMSI Engineering
Se le preguntó a Account Manager…10 de septiembre de 2011

Please spell "idiverticulitis".

22 respuestas

@Danna It does if it's an iOS app designed for those who suffer from diverticulitis! Menos

This is definitely meant to embarrass people. I suspect the best you can do is ask the standard spelling bee questions (e.g., ask for the etymology and for them to use it in a sentence). In this case, their sentence will probably be pretty outrageous. I had to look it up, but diverticulitis is a "small, bulging sacs or pouches of the inner lining of the intestine (diverticulosis) that become inflamed or infected." After that, I'd totally botch the spelling but hopefully have enough poise to laugh it off. Menos


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Would you be able to commute?

16 respuestas




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* Given an array of numbers. Create another array that contains * the product of all the members in the array except the current * element. For example, if you have an array of 3 elements such as: * * A[0] = 2 * A[1] = 4 * A[2] = 6 * * Then the resulting array will be * B[0] = 24 * B[1] = 12 * B[2] = 8 *

10 respuestas

public class GoogleInterviewQuestion { public int[] computeProds(int[] intArray) { int product = 1; int[] prods = new int[intArray.length]; for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { product *= intArray[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) { prods[i] = product / intArray[i]; } return prods; } public static void main (int argc, String argv[]) { GoogleInterviewQuestion giq = new GoogleInterviewQuestion(); int array[] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}; int prods[] = giq.computeProds(array); } Menos

More than division by 0, it will fail if any element of original array is 0. All elements of resultant array will be 0? While one element dosent need to be 0. Menos

Or even better: def ComputeProds(arr): return [reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, set(arr).difference([c])) for c in arr] Menos

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you have one giant cube made of 1000 small cubes(arranged them in 10x10x10) if you put the giant cube into the bucket that filled with water, then how many of small cubes are actually get wet?

8 respuestas

488. 1000 - (8*8*8) = 488

correct answer is 488 : 2*[10*10 + 8*10 + 8*8] = 488 This accounts for including of cubes with sides viible on 2 or three flat surfaces and eliminates the repeats.. Menos

Top and bottom faces: 10 * 10 * 2 = 200 The blocks along vertical edges = 4 * (10 - 2) = 32; -2 as the top of the line and the bottom of the line are already counted amongst the top and bottom faces. 4 inner faces = 4 * 8 * 8 = 256; 8 as these aren't yet counted amongst the top and bottom faces or the vertical edges. Total = 200 + 32 + 256 = 488. Menos

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Get ready for swearing during the interview process...

8 respuestas

Love to see the growth in Miguel. Look at the number of bad responses on this very popular site and see people don't like working there...they feel burned and it's due to the sales management being not truthful and shady that people go out of their way to write how bad it is...too bad cool idea and could be great Menos

If this company is doing so well why is it the responses are so bad...they sill have the same manager...amazing...go to store which have their product (if you can find them) and ask them...they will say they feel riped off and it does not work as it should have...check out a Belly one and it's off the chart better...check out another company...this company is just filled with managers who are not telling the truth. Menos

Went to a store in Petaluma and thy had removed the tablet. They said it was terrible. Using a punch card worked better. Menos

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Commonwealth Sales Group

Why do you like the company?

7 respuestas

Basically, I research the information of company on the website that Bridge provided to me. You can find all the information about the company. Menos


Fifths such d

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Straumann Group

how do you prioritize when there's no prioritization possible

7 respuestas

That is difficult question. If haven't prioritization. I will show my Talent. How they expect workers to do work. I will do it. Menos

follow my own gut

That is difficult question. If haven't prioritization. I will show my Talent. How they expect workers to do work. I will do it. Menos

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Do you have a car?

7 respuestas

They claim that they'll give you $400/week plus 25% commission or 100% commission. They look for any excuse not to give you the $400 and you'll be going door to door trying to get people to sign up for Verizon in other words you'll be making zilch Menos

Omg I had a interview on Monday now I'm not even going to waste my time thank you very much Menos

Have an interview tomorrow, debating on going

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MA Laboratories

Can you tell me about your work experience?

6 respuestas

I worked as warehousing in seven-up company, I taught in different school , I worked as secretary in igbenedion education center and worked as marketing . Menos

I discovered how to strategically consider an issue through research, identify possible solution to the problem of any organization, I worked as pay roll in decency education center ,I learned the importance of teamwork, as well as how to develop a positive working relationship with my team members which led to great output in our performances. Menos

I worked as secretary, pay roll, warehousing and taught in different school

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